This field of activity covers development of individual methods and test procedures for ingredients, active ingredients and contaminants. Our laboratory focuses on analytics of food, feed, natural substances and cosmetics, with emphasis on lipophilic matrices, and would be happy to take care of your analytical issues.
Our laboratory herefore uses state-of-the art analytical devices.
A competent team, with long-term experience, is available for handling of your analytical tasks.
In order to also be able to provide options at trace level, we are equipped with a LC-MS/MS- and GC-MS/MS-System.
High performance ambitions of our laboratory are reflected in a Quality Management System and the accreditation, according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025.
Our validation offer includes exemplarily following parameters:
Specificity, LOQ = Limit of Quantification, LOD = Limit of Detection, Linearity, Precision, Accuracy, Work Area etc.

Upon request, we’d be happy to provide you with an excerpt of analysis parameters of individual analysis methods.